Things you must know about EORI number
What is an EORI number?
EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification number and is a unique ID code used to track and register customs information in the EU.
It is a single custom identification number, mainly used for electronic reporting. It provides secure trade exchanges and allows users to identify its operator using a unique number.
It is also more efficient for statistical purposes.
All EU companies that carry out customs, import, or export operations must obtain an EORI number delivered by customs authorities of their member state or the first member state where imports are made.
Non-EU companies that carry out import operations in the customs territory of the EU also need an EORI number that will be applied to the customs authorities of the EU country where imports are made.
Because the EORI number is a unique number that can be used within the EU, an EORI number is valid all over Europe.
For example, a French company with an EORI number FRxxxxxxx having an import in Belgium (the goods are coming from China) will use its FR EORI number to clear their goods in the BE Customs.
Companies established in the customs territory of the Union should request the assignment of the EORI number to the customs authorities of the EU country in which they are set.
Companies not established in the Community’s customs territory should request the EORI number’s assignment to the customs authorities of the EU country responsible for where their first import will take place